onsdag 4 maj 2016

Technological oldschool fool

A thing I have thought for a really long time is the beneficial use or misuse of technology in our strife to be more healthy 

The smartphone really is a time thief, with social apps and the need to always be updated with others make it much much easier to get depressed and feel that you're inferior to others that seem better than you.
I listened to a podcast about training and the speaker said that once in a while you need to show your failings too. When a workout really turns to shit and all you want is to go home and let it be over with.
We all had to hose days when it happens. And we all struggle through them because we are bull headed instead of going home because results won't matter that day, that's my conviction anyway.
We all need to call in sick someday and that's true for training too.

But back to the subject.
The smartphone can be a saving angel, with all apps about fitness and mindfulness and dietary recepies. And I say some apps can help you in your quest for fitness. (Because that's what we want? Not to play the guitar or the piano or learn a language :-)) 
Whatever our goal is there is an app for it, I believe.
So what do you need?
I would say four or five apps or more I have a couple (like 12) and don't want to mention names, because I don't get any money's worth from making you use them.

A calorie counter app, that's for sure, if you can't count for shit pick a good calorie conunter or diet logger, because I don't know what half of the stuff I'm eating is worth in calories, so I wheigh them and put them in my phone app and it counts it for me. 
Choose one with a good food index database it can vary from country or continent which one fits your needs the best. Do not trust it blindly, often we misjudge our spent daily calories or add the wrong calories from our intake. Be skeptical and paranoid towards yourself. Listen to your body to, if the scale doesn't point in the right direction, you're over/underestimate your efforts or, calorie intake  

A workout logger, or even better activity counter. That contains the basic things you'll like, to do, (walking running bicycle skiing swimming) 
I have a couple here to, like for cardio I have two one for seriousness and one for virtual/augmented gaming) 
Most phones have an built in pedometer, accelerometer and GPS tracker.
Enable it and watch your daily calorie needs get higher 😅 no but take this with a bucket of salt or even a big shovel, most activities we do gets more point than they're worth. But it's fun though, breaking records speeds, heights et c.
Choose one that can sync with your calorie counter app.

A wheight lifting app, there are a couple out there and then some. 
I only found one I liked, when I was weight lifting. It had very much information and many different programs to choose in between, you could choose between building mass or strength. It even cycled you through it. A tip is to go through your daily workout routine prehand so that you don't get stuck with your fap hand and your phone when in the gym. It might get embarrassing for you. 

Nowadays I'd only do body weight exercises, and there are a couple of loggers of them to. More bad than good but there is some gold grains in the sand if you like to dig, see what suits your style.
The sad part is that it seldom shows how much calories you burn during a gym workout. 
Guess you'll have to wing it big here.. 😊 

Okay what's left?
I cannot see that you'll need much more but, many gym chains have their own apps for booking tickets to training classes, look out for your chain gang. 

One music app with the soundtrack of your life, different styles may apply. Or if you preference sound s la naturelle that's your choice. But I hate my gyms music. Sometimes I go with audiobooks documentary, a podcast. But don't do it in training class, if you don't listen to the instructors accidents may happen. Think of Murphy. 

And six seven eight
Well the app market is a jungle filled with predators, or the other way around, they are the sheep, they want to be eaten. Used, rated and payed for.
A couple of apps gets you money for filling challenges or quests, if you get motivated by money that's the way for you. (I know I am 🤑) 
Choose wisely out there, don't pay for nothing you can't try first. If you like it pay for it. But watch that what you pay for is what you want.

Choose apps that make you motivated, and not those that want you to instafacebook everything. I prefer the strongman look rather than the bodybuilder poser look. 

Choose apps where you can motivate others and get positive feedback yourself, brag about your achievements sometimes is good for the energy to keep up.!

There is hardware that lets you monitor sleep pulse, activity, scales and yada yada yada. Most of them are glorified pedometers that leaves an empty hole in your purse, and you use it because you don't want the money spent on it to be wasted.
Look for the one that suits your needs. Pulse is a good thing to be able to measure IRT (in real time) when you want to step up the game by pulse training.
I still have one on my wish list, with gps and pulse tracking, for those days I really want to skip my phone. 

Doin it old school 
Skip the phone and go out for a run or bike or hike, without anything is nice, and relaxing, and very stress releasing.
Pencil and paper works to. I often use them, and that in conjunction with my phone, due to not get distracted I log the workout in the app afterwards. (I tend to forget that often though) 

Apps to avoid install on your phone
Social apps, none mentioned. None forgotten, at least turn of the auto update and notifications. It's so relaxing.
Flight mode is frequently used when I do not to want to get disturbed. 
Addictive games, or games whatsoever, turn of the notifications here too. I don't like them. They stress me out.

This is my conviction, now get out there and do something you like, I do not have patience with you.!

onsdag 30 mars 2016

My conviction

A friend asked me about an after workout diet tips, and it got me started ranting my whole complete conviction about fitness in this world. so its just copy and paste, tell me how you like the ranting after you read it..

Don't get me started Chris! i can coach you but no one listens to a fatty PT Emoji grin

If you want diet tips then youll need to read up on the subject I recommend a Blog http://www.leangains.com/ click on most popular then read what you find interesting and then ill explain what you do not understand if that is possible (you where the smart one remember) I am currently sticking to 16:8 now and that in combination with LCHF (start eating at 12.00 and last 19.30~(ish) there are many copycats about intermittent fasting with various names, stop n go, renegade diet et c

... diet continued, the many diets (i needed a break b'cause im home with my son, and also i needed a refill on my coffe..)
Anyhow's Diet explained, many diets proclaims to eat clean, eg Ecological, homegrown or bought from nearby farms, if you dont know how some foods are produced like, candy, microwave food, ice cream, sodas and so on, DON'T eat it! Emoji smile 
Charles Bronson and Paul Wade - Convict Conditioning and Martin Berkhan are very big on that you dont need expensive supplements, and dont need to eat every 1,5-3 hours to geat lean and in fighting shape. That's true for most athletes or ambitious workoutaholics. But it's more simpler to carry around a protein shake than a raw chicken... :-)  thats my oppinion. But they are right as to it DOESNT HURT TO GO HUNGRY once in a while. Emoji smile Im a big fan of snacking and Intermittent Fasting - IF is killing my gut fat here, b-cause i dont eat between 20.00-12.00 (you can choose your own times) If youre big on trainging your jaw muscles with food all around the clock, this is the way for you too. (im like Professor Shellback, or Chris knows him as Skalman with a watch set for alarms when to eat sleep or i dunno,  go to the bathroom?  I have a countdown on my watch set for 8 hours, when i begin to eat to when i stop to eat.)Emoji gri?

ttent Fasting - IF is killing my gut fat here, b-cause i dont eat between 20.00-12.00 you can choose your own times, but if youre big on trainging your jaw muscles with food all around the clock, this is the way for you too. (im like Professor Shellback, or Chris knows i have a countdown on my watch set for 8 hours, when i begin to eat to when i stop to eat.)If you choose a diet, then commit to that diet, if you like paleo, GI, LCHF, (cambridge, wheightwatchers might be something too but i rather count calories then pay some fat dude money for a points system) then stick to that diet, don't do anything half-assed, the success of your training and diet lies in your consictency not in which you choose.
GO straight edge, a befuddled mind is a befuddled body, Sure i drink sparsely, but no smoke or inhale, snorting or anything like it. Live life, once in a while every 2-3 weeks eat unclean and drink what you want. (maybe not liquid acid or LSD.) Emoji smile
COOK at home, as i said, its better for the body to eat homecooked food then you at least know what ingredients is in your food, and do lunch boxes to eat at work. that is because no-one really likes to read all the hidden ingredients in fast food shit.
USE electronic gadgest, b'cause I know you, smartphone apps, likeRunkeeper MyfitnesPal pact App I stick with the free ones i dont like to stick it to a fat man making money of me to use their apps, some i bouhgt that are that good for me, like Convict conditoning tracker and CC tracker pro, but thats not nessecary right now... thats next episode. getting your energy levels up to training your body. 
Anyhows apps might get you more convinced and track your progress, and keep you motivated. or just make you fucking angry, if you get angry use that anger to fuel your determination, bitch slap that anger out on something, make it press you a couple of inches higer farther or longer in your training. 

Now i need to play with my son. get back to you soon

Note 2: And i forgot something obvious, Cut out the sugar, Carbs are bad mmkay, carbs, refined sugar and corn syrup is in every fucking thing produced right now, its easy and cheap to manufacture for the food companies. its not just sugar but white meal too, stick it to the brown guy, fibers and whole-meal breads are better for you even thou I cut out bread and candy altogether (well sometimes you can cheat, but i do not recommend go down that road, it's hard to get back up again.)

About training, You are already walking! YES!!!!! Double high five! thats good, and thats all that counts, you want to move, Let me tell you a big secret, modern life doesn't want you to know, THE BODY WANT AND ARE BUILT TO MOVE! 
Thats it! your'e built to move, and all it takes is that first step and in that its enough to get on walks for 15-30 minutes in the start, then your body rewards you with happiness and fulfillment, which is easier to get from smart phone games these days or food. 
Its an immedi reward to sit down with your phone than to put on your snowjoggers and open the door, but the rush is so much better. when you excerts your body. in as little as a week you get higher energy levels and feel more refreshed and relaxed.
AS with the diet, whatever rocks your boat, training is personal and for everyone, there are a multitude of different ways to train, im really into body movement right now,Calisthenics and that you can do at home or in the office loo, if you're colleges gets disturbed at youre inhuman exhbition of power when youre in your cubicle.
IMPORTANT IS, its more fun togehter, so if you like it, join a gym go to the classes there, train togehter with friends or collegues, get strong together, crossfit is very much up and about now, and thats good training, but hard, and you have to have a mind of stone and steel to not give up, 
But as the body is built to move, its GO hard or GO home principle in all training, dont be afraid to push your limits, Bucket is recommended in the beginning (for puking not for water bub) 
As with training, you also need to rest, sleep deep and well, Sorry but i know you have trouble sleeping, but when youre tired after a workout (walk gym training etc) youll sleep much better and get much better hormone levels, and there to is a great way, get to bed at the same hours every day, at least try. and try to get 6-8 hours sleep.

 There is one word here that i mentioned that demands more in depth and explanation that word is HORMONES! we need them to grow, especially men (and women too) but todays food (culture has made men weak and low in testosterone, due to what we eat and how we move,
Testosterone is the male hormone and the female is estrogene, and HGH (human growth hormone) if you want to build muscle you need them in sufficient and adequate levels in your body, but its illegal to take as supplements, its also damaging to the body, so you need your body to produce your own hormones, 
To rise your own TESTOSTERONE levels there are a few tricks and some things to watch for, eg is the stallion still building tents or the bull rushing the matadors flag in the morning, morning glory and so on. (for men, women are somewhat trickier, but the signals are somewhat the same to watch for there, bloodfilled lips, nipples et c) 
If its not then you might want to rise those levels somewhat, but how to do that, Slapping the monkey if youre alone, but if you want to share, the fun and joy, slapping bellies togehter or ass to hips whatever you fancy tog get off is sufficient Emoji smile 
If you are a enuch or don't like going to the boneyard then youll train your ass off! 
Workout is a testosterone booster, food is a testosterone booster especially eggs and cholesterol. And youll se that when the hanged man rises again in the morning that it gives the results you'll want... Emoji wink 

Howto avoid storing estrogen in the body is by shedding excess fat, remember sweat is fat thats crying.. so go make that fat baby cry.! Every.fucking.day. Except when sick or hurt. (For me its also meditative to be working out or moving my body, its like meditation and clears any doubts, fears and, rejuvenates the body.)
Bitch tits is a typical proof for excess estrogen in the male body, also a limp limb (as we discussed) and some foods are high in estrogen, so avoid:
1.) Soy
2.) Sugar
3.) Conventional meat
4.) Conventional dairy
5.) BPA plastic and Teflon Pans
BOOM I GOOGLED it for you. !

Remember what i told you to avoid in foods before? 
Yeah! thats right Sugar! i see a common nominator here do you?

Training or just excercise is a very good cure for several ailments, psychological as well as physical. Take depression concentration disorders, anxiety attacks, asthma, epilepsy and sleep disorders as well as getting a healthy body, more energy, less mood-swings and a better sex-life than before, I only se WIN-WIN-WIN here as to why you need to get conversant in health and wellness.

On HOWTO succeed and avoid failure. There are a couple of pointers.. 
Emoji smile
I said before go hard or go home, yeah thats right don't do anything half-assed, thats when you work out, feel that sweat! make your body move, if it doesn't hurt, its not broken, to feel the muscle fever is not to be broken, to build muscles you nead to hurt them thats GOOD pain and (yeah Chris, i know someways to inflict pain too Emoji wink quite a few actually) (more about this if you ask) i stand and die by it. To never give up, never surrender to always compete by and beside myself to get up everyday and do my daily routine.. consitency remember? 


  • START SMALL. For one go all in and change EVERYTHING in your life is good for some people, they can handle it but it has a higher failure rate, you know, new years promises, "next year im starting at the gym" and one month after that youre so fed up you just want to cry and roll over.. Start by the little things, this week im going to eat healthier, the next im going for a walk each day, then next month you begin to do press up, sit ups and pull ups routine when you get up in the morning. as well as eating well and getting to work by your own two feet. (pedaling or walking)
  • STICK TO A PLAN, when you work out, when you eat... remember consistency, or just having a routine. 
  • HAVE A LOG or notebook, fill in and see your progress, because you feel it better if you can see the proof, use your smartphone or oldschool pen and paper, I use both often and well and I bought this package after i read the e-book version. Convict conditioning book package
  • FEEL COMFORTABLE; In this day and age you can get depressed from so many things, so when you decide to exercise, then go in with a smile, and a FUCK-YOU attitude with clothes you feel nice in, (read comfortable) if you like to train in pink thigts, or a mankini, to flaut your manhood or womanhood, do it, but dont blame it on the teacher later, (ME) if you walk into a gym or such kinda think of a little dresscode to be in order, but outside, that's NOT YOUR FUCKING problem if people get offended, and remember one thing. every other dude and dudette thinks about himself/herself, and has issues so don't oogle your mind about what they think about you, they are already busy minding about their bitching problems, 
  • LISTEN TO YOUR KIND OF MUSIC, remember that one song that got you floating in thin air, i want you to feel the joy and soar around up there. Choose music that makes you in the mood for whatever you want to complete. 
  • HAVE FUN. Do do training that makes you happy, it isnt progressive if you go to a gym and pump wheigts and go home and feel bored, I for an example love lifting things punching things listening to music and bicycling but hate skating, and such, so i go to a gym, i go and practice karate, i go biking, cross country skiing but i never go ice-skating.. If you have a tight workout schedule, take one week of every 6-12 week period, redo your routine, and take a week off, doing just what you think is fun. That will fill the determination furnance with a whole lot of wood. because the body adapts and it's not good for your mind or body if anything gets into a rut. 
  • CHALLENGE YOURSELF! What did i just say? Feel comfortable, but dont get afraid to try new things, its a saying i had when I studied in high school, as a parting phrase: Dont do anything I wont do, the thing about me was, that i did every fucking stupid thing, that was because i was never afraid to try out different things.Sure i got hurt a couple of times to, but that is another story. Bitching about pain is non productive, take the lesson and move on. Do better next time
  • READ BOOKS: the brain is the same as the body it needs its exercise too.
  • GET FRIENDS INVOLVED TO. Its nicer to train together, humans are pack-animals, and surround you with people who motivate you and makes you feel happy about yourself, and boost you when you need it the most, and bring you praise and kudos when you deserve it, even if its an eating competition you just won or when they need to get your lazy bum ass out of the apartment to get some fresh air (or ale).
  • CHUG OUT things that eat time, read facebook, candy crush and every other mobile game, concentrate on one game or so and youll see its only a repetitive fucking disaster of a drug that keeps you sedated and only repeats the last level with a little higher difficulty, dont waste your time or money on that troll... 
  • DO BE A TODAY - PERSON Mårten Nyhlén a fitness and inspirator agent, in sweden said this, and I imagine several others do too. DON'T PUSH THINGS FORWARD, that is an excellent example of getting nowhere fast DO THINGS TODAY, that attitude will bring you somwhere faster than you can say "Come on bitch please" There is only one person who can control you and change you. And that person sits behind the screen and reads this shit right now. Guess who genius?
  • MAKE TIME WORK FOR YOU NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND, all around i hear people saying i dont have the time to work out, guess what! i do, because i make the time, i get up at 4-5 in the morning get to work either going apeshit crazy workout, at home when the missus and the little mini-me is still sleeping, or im hauling ass to the gym, to get my workout done, then get to work. The secret words are PLANNING AHEAD. bring two food canisters to work when you need it, or a extra protein shake or whatever you want to fill your gut with, but no fast food shit (please we have talked about this..) 

And i dont know why the punctuation got this way but now it looks somewhat cool and i dont want to spend more time about it than i already have. :-S

Now get the fuck out and do your thing. I have only so much patience with writing.. and im getting hungry too...

Emoji sIMPORTANT IS, its more fun togehter, so if you like it, join a gym go to the classes there, train togehter with friends or collegues, get strong together, crossfit is very much up and about now, and thats good training, but hard, and you have to have a mind of stone and steel to nog give up,